Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Tranquil Wednesday

School in general was calm and soothing. It wasn’t too much talking, too much playing, and no disruption. Until, next semester have a great Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Soothing Wednesday

Today was the same from yesterday. Actually tomorrow is the last day for them . The presentation I enjoyed today was Taylor, hers was on Global Warming.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Calm Tuesday

I had an very calm day, it was fun too. Today was part 2 of presentations in class. I enjoyed Shakera’s presentation, because I learned about biomedical engineering. I learned that the first prosthetic was a toe made out of wood. I enjoyed all the presentations, but hers topic was new too me.

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Nervous Monday

Today was my day to do my presentation for my project. I felt confident when I got up there, but when I got up there I got really nervous. Some words know slip me up, and my heart was beating outside my chest. I ended up getting through it though. The only way I can stop being nervous is if I do presentations often. I did enjoy the other presentations, I liked Jermaine and Sanaa presentations the most, but mainly Jermaine. His topic was something I never heard about, and I learned a lot from his topic.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


  Today, our teacher he went over what we can use and what we can not use on our upcoming project. Then, we did a paragraph on why we choose the topic we pick.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Smooth Wednesday

This Wednesday went by smooth in class today. We did a paragraph on event or moment that happen in your life. I did my paragraph on the S.T.A.R.S & S.T.R.I.P.E.S  program I did over the summer. Then, after that our teacher told us about a project we got. I find that a very smooth day in class.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Today, in class we had an discussion how we started reading. I know you probably thinking in Kindergarten, but I’m talking about like you teaching yourself to read like to get the concepts of the book. It was a very interesting topic to talk on.

Monday, December 9, 2019

A Typical Monday

Today, in class we are getting ready for the EQT. So the teacher had us a passage with questions on it. I didn’t do so well due to the wording of the question. It makes me second guess myself when it come down to answering it. I just need some more practice than I’ll be ok.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Today, In class we discuss your greatest fear. My greatest fear is when my time is up, and how I’m going to. I try to live my life to the fullest, and have memorable moments. I like having discussions about real life and life situations. It just place a picture in my head on what it could be like.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Calm Monday

Today, In class we discussed monuments. What a group or an agency should consider when creating a monument. The most important factors to me were the location and impact the event or the person , and the cost of the creation. I honestly had to do my thesis three times to make sure it was right. Luckily I the last one I wrote was good enough. Right then and there I felt the improvement and the growth from the beginning of the school year until now.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Dedicated Friday

Today, In class we wrote our rhetorical strategies paper. It was not the easiest paper, but I made it through. I had a hard time constructing my thesis statement. Like on how to compose it. Then I was on my first sentence of my concluded paragraph, then the bell rung. I feel confident in myself when I started writing it, at first I did not because I felt like I was not ready.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Today, In class we did a paragraph on having access to information on the internet. Like is it sufficient for the society and people. So the class did the paragraph, and Mr.Rease surprise us with a partner project including the paragraph we did. I even knew I had problem on word choice and syntax. I was just writing what was on my mind honestly.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Today, in class we discussion Ap testing and Rhetorical Choices ( the same as rhetorical strategies). I feel like I’m ready to write my essay. On tomorrow I am going to ask how to construct a thesis for a Rhetorical Analysis Essay, because I was not here the day he taught how to construct one. I feel like I learned a lot from this one lesson.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Today, In class we read a short essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid”. It was interesting essay, and you can have a great discussion on it. My opinion on it is it do not make us stupid. It has it pros and cons on it. Then for our exit slip we had to pick 3 Rhetorical Strategies from line 25-30. Other than that I had a pretty decent day today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Interesting Wednesday

Today, In class we learned about Pronoun Case. It was kinda confusing like what sounded correct was wrong. Also, I did a paragraph on Rhetorical S. on a short story written by Abigail Adams. I chose Pathos rhetorical device. I actually did better than I thought.

Friday, November 8, 2019


Today, In class we continue the lesson on Rhetorical Framework Organizer. Today we learned about Tone and Mood. There is a difference. Then, we discuss diction and syntax. It was not that hard to comprehend, but I do have a little problem on finding the tone and mood, because they seem similar. I will eventually see the difference.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Today, In class we discuss the rhetorical framework organizer. Basically, it just an broken down version of SOAPSTone. I understood only to the ethos, pathos, and logos. I just have to get more information on Syntax. Then I’ll be ready set to go for the finish line of Rhetorical Analysis

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Presentation Day

Today was presentation day in class. I was quite nervous presenting it. I really thought I was not going to have something for Bombast, which means impressive but meaningless language. I could not find no object for it. So I printed out an example of it. I felt I did good on it. The other presentation was good, and pretty funny.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Today I learned more about analyzing Rhetorical Strategies. It had got an little easy today. As we continue to learned on the topic.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis

Today, In class we was introduced to Rhetorical Analysis. I will say it hard for me to understand. Even though my teacher said it’s an hard topic to understand. I’m not going to underestimate myself by saying I’m never going understand it. This is just the beginning of the lesson.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today, In class we took a test, it was quite interesting. I was listening and taking notes. So hopefully I past it. After the test we read our poems out loud. Cassidy, Iyana, Jermaine, and Aerie stood out from everyone in my class. Mines was not that bad, but theirs was very interesting.


         Life is like a rolling pair of dice
         You never know what to expect
          But you are hoping you get what you want
            Life is full of surprises 
             It come with loud cries
     Despite the good and bad vibes
         Life is like a train 
        It continues on and on
       Until there’s an stopping point
     You going to have your downfalls
   All you can do is get up and try again
     Eventually you will breakdown 
      Because you are stressed and worried
       But you should never be in a hurry

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Our teacher wanted us to create a poem. Sound easy right, but he wanted us to create a metaphor with the topic we chose. So that was not easy for me to do, but I created one it might just not be the best, but it a metaphor for my topic. Creating a poem is when you do not have to create a metaphor. We use metaphor all the times, but we never notice it. I just have to get use to brainstorming instead of just going right into it .

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Today, In class we read Reading to Write by Stephen King. It was a short essay.  The short essay relates to me by striving for success. Like you want to succeed in something, so you willing to do anything to fulfill it. If you wanted bad go get it. That what I got out of it. I saw more to it than wanting to be a writer. You can read that short essay and get a lot of it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Today, In class we presented our project. I was kinda disappointed that my video did not play, because I didn’t share it with him. I knew all the definitions. I enjoy doing these little projects, because it help me learned the words and definitions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Peculiar Wednesday

Today was different in a way. We had an open discussion on questions the teacher ask. The one I felt was kind of difficult to make a decision was the one when you are a leader leading a group of people, you come upon on two paths. One was either y’all all are going to die or survive, the other was 90% is going to live and 10% is going to die. Honestly I will end up choosing the 50/50 chance, because the other one is some might survive some might not. It was very interesting to discuss.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today, In class I presented my project of the four vocabulary words I choose. I was nervous as usual when I have to present infringe of people. Ambiguous was the word I liked the most , because basically it means to make one or more interpretation. The picture I chose was was man or lady walking through a outlet of stores or something like that. The picture had a twist to it it wasn’t just no man/ lady walking it was also a face portrait into a day in fall. It was really interesting to me. The presentation I felt was different from everybody else was Jada, because she demonstrated her words with her own actions. It was funny, but unique. Other than that I had an great day in class today.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Today, In class we got into groups. Each group was assigned a question dealing with health. For example the group I was in was assigned “What would make a person stop smoking, lose weight, and exercise?”. So we had to make five columns, so we filled the column by the group number we had. It was interesting activity to do. I think we should do more activities like this. Other than that I had an decent day at school today.

Friday, October 18, 2019


Today, In class I learned two new Rhetorical Devices. They were more interesting to me than any other ones. Even though those words were new to me, those devices both relates to Hypophora. Other than that I had a great day today.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


I have a great day at school today in general. Even though I miss second and half of third block, because of an important test. At the end of the day it was worth taking it. Today, In fourth block we learned about Litotes and Hypophora. Litotes was harder than Understatement. The hard part of writing one, because saying is the easy part. Hypophora is easy to me, I basically get answer my own questions. It was actually great lesson and great exercises for each one we learned about. Other than that I had an great day in fourth block.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Today, In class we started our lesson on Rhetorical Devices. I learned about when I was in a summer program at University of South Alabama. We only got to the second device today, because of time. Understatement was kind of difficult to do, but I will get it eventually. It was warmer than usual today. I have a pretty awesome today.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Today, In class today we had a lecture on listening. Whether you know it or not listening and hearing is not the same thing. Listening is the act of comprehension. Hearing is a physical mental process; active learned. Those words might look like they have the same definition, but do not. A person can have a conversation with another person and the person could be hearing but not listening. Other than that I had an amazing day in class as always.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Today, In class we got into our groups, and went over a section on a test. We eliminated the totally incorrect/somewhat correct. Then we circle the correct one. It was quite interesting to me, because it shows that some of the answers can be tricky. I had an overall good day in class today.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Today, In class we did the multiple choice part of the EQT for AP Language. The test was ok, but once of again we were time. Time managing is hard during a test, which make me short in doing my work. Just because I worrying about the time. I’m really not worrying about what I made, but I am. This is my first time, and first timers do not go plan as well. I had a pretty decent day in class today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Today, In class we typed our EQT essay. We had an 1hour and 15 minutes to type our paper. When it come to a test or any thing dealing with time. I tend to worry about the time a lot. I finished it. It was not that hard. The only hard part was not using contraction, and using pronouns. I am use to doing those things. I finished just before the bell rang. I need more practice on doing time essays. I valuable every little time I had. It was just a soothing class period today.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Today, In class my group presented Chapter 16 in the book Wild. I was nervous, but I got through it. I’m happy about my grade. I had exceptional partners, could not ask for any better ones. Other than that I had an decent day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Today, In class we went straight to presentations. Chapter 14 was quite interesting to me, and Chapter  15 was okay to me. The two groups had great presentations. Also, the questions from both groups was great to me.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


It was a very short class period today in class. While we were in there our teacher assigned us to a team. So we got drafted as he called it and it will help us out with certain things, and etc.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Today, In class another group presented today. As I sat and observe one of their quotes were “Grief does not have a face”, and that is so true. The person always laughing could be hurting deep inside so bad, but they never show it. Just because a person always seems to look happy, does not mean they are. Chapter 13 was quite interesting, and it can relate to life situations as well.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Peculiar Thursday

   This Thursday was very peculiar to me, because I felt like we became close as class as the one of the groups presented today. Some shared personal information due to some of the critical thinking questions. Even though I didn’t share some of my personal information, I felt a great vibe in there. Also, it was very interesting chapter that can be compared to a real life situation. This project is way more interesting than I thought it would be. Other than that I had a great day in class.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Today, In class we wrote a prompt, and went over some rules to know about assignments. Then we got back into our groups, and continue to work on our project.

Monday, September 23, 2019


Today, In class our teacher gave us assigned group. Each group got assigned a chapter to teacher the class, and we have 1 hour to do it. Each group got assigned a day of a week. It is going to one interesting project. My group presents next Wednesday, which is great, because we get to see how everyone else outcome.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Today, In class we did two writing prompts. Then, our teacher gave us a narrative, where we as a class created a protagonist and antagonist in the narrative. Those people are very interesting. So we decided to come up with a short version of it, and it came out very interesting. It was fun for most of it. I had an Good Friday and a great day in class today.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Today, In class we discuss what our dreams was, and is alone a state of being or a place. It is a place, because I need to be alone just in case I ever feel like it is to much negativity around. Can you lose yourself after you don’t come successful. Personally I said no, because it give you that moment to find yourself and happiness again. Do not push yourself to hard, and then  forget what fun feel like. You just have follow the path you choose to see what is coming ahead. Also, we did an ran through of Chapters 7 & 8. The book is getting more interesting as it goes. Actually, I had a great day in class today as usual.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Notes from today

A Normal Wednesday

Today, In class we took an pop quiz. We took notes on a poem called The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes. It was actually great poem, and it spoke a thousand ones just to be a short poem. For that to be his first poem to be published it was great. Besides, Maya Angelou being a great poet in my eyes, Langston Hughes is great, because all his poem has a great meaning to it. Also, we discussed the difference between race, nationality, and ethnicity. Other than that I had a great day in class.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today, In class we took a critical thinking quiz in chapter 5 and chapter 6 , we had to choose one or the other. Also, I learned today what look easy may not be easy. Then after the quiz we went over the answers. I never knew you can break your own heart, until today.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Today, In class we had a test with critical thinking question it. Very interesting questions, and it was challenging to the brain. We went over the answers, and discuss them all. Other than that I had  a great day in class today.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today, In class we share each other critical thinking questions. Then, we did an over view of Chapter 1-3 of Wild. This book is very interesting, yet one of the best books I have read is far. I’m reading to see the outcome of the end.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Daily Tuesday

Today, In class our teacher expounded more on Chapter 1 in Wild. It still has an interesting title to it. I still can not believe that she joke the Pacific Crest Trail by herself. All alone in the woods, surviving on her own. Also, we discussed and pointed out certain things Cheryl mentioned. Other than that it was a great day in class.

Monday, September 9, 2019


 Today, In class we reread Chapter 1 of the book we are reading called  Wild by Cheryl S.  So far it is a interesting book. I can tell so much is going to happen as we continue to read. Also, we pointed out the important points in Chapter 1.

Friday, September 6, 2019


Today, In class we did a slight introduction on our upcoming book, we are going to start talking about on Monday. This book is called  Wild by Cheryl S. Also, we had an discussion on what essentials you will need on a hike, if you are going for weeks or months. In the book Cheryl is going for a hike on PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). We even talk about what to do and what not to do when you see a bear or if a bear spots you. I had a great day in class, and at school today in general.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Regular Day In Class

Today, In class we went over claims again, because some of us did not quite understand it. My only problem is trying to put my claim together without explain it as well. I might just overthink the claim. A claim is a stated opinion supported by evidence. The we did a couple examples using claims. Then, we wrote a claim on what it mean to own something. Owning something means it become your property and responsibility. Other than that I had a great day in class.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Arguments and Fights

Today, In class we had an lecture on arguments and fights. When I say fight I do not mean physically, I mean mentally. No one ever wins an argument. You have to have evidence or facts to support the argument your are stating. An argument can be about anything. For instance, the leaf is green. Someone else might say it is another color, but that does not mean they are correct. Arguments often happen when you and a peer do not agree on something.

The Ambush

Today, In class we read a short story called  Ambush by Tim O’Brien . It was about a father telling his daughter that he had to killed, because he was in military. He was just no guy walking around killing people. In the short story, he mentioned he was ordered to watched the trial in the woods, and make sure nothing goes wrong or he get killed. Basically, he ended up killing the dude on the trial, and then feeling remorseful about the situation. Also, We discuss is there anything such as good kill? Well, It is Tim had did what was called a good kill. Because he was trained to do stuff like that, so he was always alert. What if he would have let the dude walk by something could have went left.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Today, In class we took our very first major test. On the skills we learned over the past 2 weeks. It was challenging, but I got through it. Sometimes the things you might think you going to do bad on , you might just do good on it.

Mother Tongue

  Today, In class we read an essay called  Mother Tongue by Amy Tan. We also discuss the different forms of English. Here are  two slang and proper English. We identified claims and supported evidence following the claims. At the end of class we wrote a paragraph on whether you believe your ways of talking may be more influential from peers or family.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

   Today in class we did examples on commas, and our teacher read out our blogs. As our teacher read the blogs out loud, we found small little errors as we read. We all made mistakes, and now we fixing our mistakes.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

    Today in class, We were identifying claims throughout an essay we read called I Met A Girl Named Maria. Basically this essay was about stereotypes of being Latina. Meaning that everyone thought you were sexy, crazy, and anxious. Judging someone based on their cultural ways is not good at all. You would not want no one to judge you on the stereotypes of your culture. Also, today we learn how to use Blogger.