Friday, September 27, 2019


Today, In class another group presented today. As I sat and observe one of their quotes were “Grief does not have a face”, and that is so true. The person always laughing could be hurting deep inside so bad, but they never show it. Just because a person always seems to look happy, does not mean they are. Chapter 13 was quite interesting, and it can relate to life situations as well.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Peculiar Thursday

   This Thursday was very peculiar to me, because I felt like we became close as class as the one of the groups presented today. Some shared personal information due to some of the critical thinking questions. Even though I didn’t share some of my personal information, I felt a great vibe in there. Also, it was very interesting chapter that can be compared to a real life situation. This project is way more interesting than I thought it would be. Other than that I had a great day in class.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Today, In class we wrote a prompt, and went over some rules to know about assignments. Then we got back into our groups, and continue to work on our project.

Monday, September 23, 2019


Today, In class our teacher gave us assigned group. Each group got assigned a chapter to teacher the class, and we have 1 hour to do it. Each group got assigned a day of a week. It is going to one interesting project. My group presents next Wednesday, which is great, because we get to see how everyone else outcome.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Today, In class we did two writing prompts. Then, our teacher gave us a narrative, where we as a class created a protagonist and antagonist in the narrative. Those people are very interesting. So we decided to come up with a short version of it, and it came out very interesting. It was fun for most of it. I had an Good Friday and a great day in class today.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Today, In class we discuss what our dreams was, and is alone a state of being or a place. It is a place, because I need to be alone just in case I ever feel like it is to much negativity around. Can you lose yourself after you don’t come successful. Personally I said no, because it give you that moment to find yourself and happiness again. Do not push yourself to hard, and then  forget what fun feel like. You just have follow the path you choose to see what is coming ahead. Also, we did an ran through of Chapters 7 & 8. The book is getting more interesting as it goes. Actually, I had a great day in class today as usual.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Notes from today

A Normal Wednesday

Today, In class we took an pop quiz. We took notes on a poem called The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes. It was actually great poem, and it spoke a thousand ones just to be a short poem. For that to be his first poem to be published it was great. Besides, Maya Angelou being a great poet in my eyes, Langston Hughes is great, because all his poem has a great meaning to it. Also, we discussed the difference between race, nationality, and ethnicity. Other than that I had a great day in class.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today, In class we took a critical thinking quiz in chapter 5 and chapter 6 , we had to choose one or the other. Also, I learned today what look easy may not be easy. Then after the quiz we went over the answers. I never knew you can break your own heart, until today.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Today, In class we had a test with critical thinking question it. Very interesting questions, and it was challenging to the brain. We went over the answers, and discuss them all. Other than that I had  a great day in class today.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today, In class we share each other critical thinking questions. Then, we did an over view of Chapter 1-3 of Wild. This book is very interesting, yet one of the best books I have read is far. I’m reading to see the outcome of the end.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Daily Tuesday

Today, In class our teacher expounded more on Chapter 1 in Wild. It still has an interesting title to it. I still can not believe that she joke the Pacific Crest Trail by herself. All alone in the woods, surviving on her own. Also, we discussed and pointed out certain things Cheryl mentioned. Other than that it was a great day in class.

Monday, September 9, 2019


 Today, In class we reread Chapter 1 of the book we are reading called  Wild by Cheryl S.  So far it is a interesting book. I can tell so much is going to happen as we continue to read. Also, we pointed out the important points in Chapter 1.

Friday, September 6, 2019


Today, In class we did a slight introduction on our upcoming book, we are going to start talking about on Monday. This book is called  Wild by Cheryl S. Also, we had an discussion on what essentials you will need on a hike, if you are going for weeks or months. In the book Cheryl is going for a hike on PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). We even talk about what to do and what not to do when you see a bear or if a bear spots you. I had a great day in class, and at school today in general.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Regular Day In Class

Today, In class we went over claims again, because some of us did not quite understand it. My only problem is trying to put my claim together without explain it as well. I might just overthink the claim. A claim is a stated opinion supported by evidence. The we did a couple examples using claims. Then, we wrote a claim on what it mean to own something. Owning something means it become your property and responsibility. Other than that I had a great day in class.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Arguments and Fights

Today, In class we had an lecture on arguments and fights. When I say fight I do not mean physically, I mean mentally. No one ever wins an argument. You have to have evidence or facts to support the argument your are stating. An argument can be about anything. For instance, the leaf is green. Someone else might say it is another color, but that does not mean they are correct. Arguments often happen when you and a peer do not agree on something.

The Ambush

Today, In class we read a short story called  Ambush by Tim O’Brien . It was about a father telling his daughter that he had to killed, because he was in military. He was just no guy walking around killing people. In the short story, he mentioned he was ordered to watched the trial in the woods, and make sure nothing goes wrong or he get killed. Basically, he ended up killing the dude on the trial, and then feeling remorseful about the situation. Also, We discuss is there anything such as good kill? Well, It is Tim had did what was called a good kill. Because he was trained to do stuff like that, so he was always alert. What if he would have let the dude walk by something could have went left.