Friday, November 22, 2019

Dedicated Friday

Today, In class we wrote our rhetorical strategies paper. It was not the easiest paper, but I made it through. I had a hard time constructing my thesis statement. Like on how to compose it. Then I was on my first sentence of my concluded paragraph, then the bell rung. I feel confident in myself when I started writing it, at first I did not because I felt like I was not ready.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Today, In class we did a paragraph on having access to information on the internet. Like is it sufficient for the society and people. So the class did the paragraph, and Mr.Rease surprise us with a partner project including the paragraph we did. I even knew I had problem on word choice and syntax. I was just writing what was on my mind honestly.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Today, in class we discussion Ap testing and Rhetorical Choices ( the same as rhetorical strategies). I feel like I’m ready to write my essay. On tomorrow I am going to ask how to construct a thesis for a Rhetorical Analysis Essay, because I was not here the day he taught how to construct one. I feel like I learned a lot from this one lesson.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Today, In class we read a short essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid”. It was interesting essay, and you can have a great discussion on it. My opinion on it is it do not make us stupid. It has it pros and cons on it. Then for our exit slip we had to pick 3 Rhetorical Strategies from line 25-30. Other than that I had a pretty decent day today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Interesting Wednesday

Today, In class we learned about Pronoun Case. It was kinda confusing like what sounded correct was wrong. Also, I did a paragraph on Rhetorical S. on a short story written by Abigail Adams. I chose Pathos rhetorical device. I actually did better than I thought.

Friday, November 8, 2019


Today, In class we continue the lesson on Rhetorical Framework Organizer. Today we learned about Tone and Mood. There is a difference. Then, we discuss diction and syntax. It was not that hard to comprehend, but I do have a little problem on finding the tone and mood, because they seem similar. I will eventually see the difference.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Today, In class we discuss the rhetorical framework organizer. Basically, it just an broken down version of SOAPSTone. I understood only to the ethos, pathos, and logos. I just have to get more information on Syntax. Then I’ll be ready set to go for the finish line of Rhetorical Analysis

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Presentation Day

Today was presentation day in class. I was quite nervous presenting it. I really thought I was not going to have something for Bombast, which means impressive but meaningless language. I could not find no object for it. So I printed out an example of it. I felt I did good on it. The other presentation was good, and pretty funny.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Today I learned more about analyzing Rhetorical Strategies. It had got an little easy today. As we continue to learned on the topic.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis

Today, In class we was introduced to Rhetorical Analysis. I will say it hard for me to understand. Even though my teacher said it’s an hard topic to understand. I’m not going to underestimate myself by saying I’m never going understand it. This is just the beginning of the lesson.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today, In class we took a test, it was quite interesting. I was listening and taking notes. So hopefully I past it. After the test we read our poems out loud. Cassidy, Iyana, Jermaine, and Aerie stood out from everyone in my class. Mines was not that bad, but theirs was very interesting.


         Life is like a rolling pair of dice
         You never know what to expect
          But you are hoping you get what you want
            Life is full of surprises 
             It come with loud cries
     Despite the good and bad vibes
         Life is like a train 
        It continues on and on
       Until there’s an stopping point
     You going to have your downfalls
   All you can do is get up and try again
     Eventually you will breakdown 
      Because you are stressed and worried
       But you should never be in a hurry