Friday, February 21, 2020

It’s Gone Get Better

We had a multiple choice quiz today and I bomb it. Like I did so terrible it blew me. I was disappointed like very disappointed in myself.  I understood the passage, the questions got me again I might eliminate the right ones, but the ones left I second guessed myself like always. That is already my weakest subject. I put my all in everything I do. I’m not gone give it up, I’m going to continue to push forward to get and do better.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Decent Thursday

The last presenters presented today. Cassidy’s presentation was the one I liked out of the last presenters. I overall liked all presentations. Don’t really have a favorite because everyone did good. It was a very interesting project. Learning new things is always good for me. It was a lot of Africa and Asia countries. Basically it was a lot of countries in those countries, plus Africa had the most presenters. I learned something new from each  presenter. Also, the slides I found most interesting were the Customs and Etiquettes.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Every time I present in front of a group of people I tend to get nervous and speak fast. Also it is hard for me to make eye contact I do not know why. I just think when I make eye contact that makes me nervous and it’s probably gone make me hesitate over my words. I still got an A but it’s not the A that I wanted because some of the things I got points took off of everybody else did it. I’m grateful for receiving the A. Hopefully in the future I’ll get better when it come to presenting. I’ll just do better again.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Different Countries, Different Things

Class was quite interesting I can say that. A couple of classmates presented today. They all did a wonderful job. My favorite presentation were Hong Kong and Japan. Well they caught my interest. Hong Kong has beautiful flowers. Japan eat KFC on Christmas. Most people eat like home cook meals for Christmas. That was very interesting to me. I thought I was going to present today, but I guess other plans were made.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Its Just Monday

I miss majority of class today due to having to go to ACT class. The class was good, the students was a little talkative but we got through it. Also, I ended up going to class a couple minutes before the bell ring. Mr.Rease told us when we present and I present tomorrow. He showed us what we made on our writing. I did ok, but I wish I did better.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Finish On Time

I actually had good timing but n writing an essay before the time was up. Mr.Rease gave us 55 minutes we started at 1. The essay wasn’t hard, but the the claims catch me every time. The essay was to create a 5 paragraph essay band describe the relationship between individuality and nationality. Creating claims wasn’t that hard but I had trouble with it. I’m hoping the I did well on it.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Just Astonishing

I wasn’t in class today, due my third block teacher wanting me and a couple others to go hear some people and two veterans talk. I just could not believe I saw and heard 101 year old veteran man speak. That is a blessing to live that long. His named is Taylor Howard and he was born in 1918. He fought in World War II. After he retire from the military he started businesses in segregated state. He was a black man owning his own businesses. He left out all the negatives to focus on the positive to get where he needed to be. And that is what I admired about him today.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Learn Something New Everyday

I learn something new in class everyday literally. Whether its about a person, lesson, or maybe life itself. Learning something new helps me think. So today Mr.Rease divided us by continents because we are doing projects on different countries’ culture. We had to research customs on our country. I have Columbia, which is in South America if you didn’t know that. One of the customs I found strange, but interesting was Women grasp forearm when greeting people. Since we were separated by continent, It was only two of us in South America. My partner had Brazil. I notice we had a comparison with our two countries was that Men have to make direct eye contact and shake hands. Just like in America men do the same thing. It’s a sign of respect. The difference between her country and my country. The women in Brazil greet each other by kissing each other two times on the cheek. In Columbia the women have to grasp the forearm when they greet them. Unless they developed a friendship then they kiss each other on the cheek. The other countries had very interesting customs.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pretty Decent Tuesday

I love when we have discussions in class. It put me in a real life scenario and I love it. We are discussing Multiculturalism. When we talk about cultures within the society. It was so much we talk about I can’t remember it all. I do remember the video of of countries talking about us Americans. I was like gosh lee are we that bad. The only thing I found might be true would be we are loud. Maybe it’s cause we have a little more freedom of what we do in our country than they do. We might not found ourselves loud, but other countries do. Maybe I’ll like to continue discussions on what other countries think of different things we do.

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Wording

Today I took a quiz again. This time he gave us 5 minutes to read, and 20 minutes to answer the questions. This passage wording was a little above me, but the passage was good. The questions still gave me a little trouble. I gave it my best and put my all in. I do the elimination method, then I’m left with two answers. Thats where the next problem fall they both seem correct. I just gone have faith that I will go higher in my progress.

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Questions Are What Get Me

I took a quiz today in class, Mr.Rease timed the class 20 minutes. The passage was understandable always was. The questions are what get me every time, the elimination work but you left with two possible answers. Also, when I know I am getting time either I’m to focus on the time I can’t really focus on the questions or it might just be the wording. I will eventually get better and I am certain that I will get better.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

“They Say You Took My Motherhood,Momma”

Do you think A man must have a nurturing relationship with their mother? That was the prompt today in class. We read two poem called “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes and “Son To Mother” by Maya Angelou. Those poems were great to me even though they were talking about sons. Even if you  exchange Son to Daughter it will still be good to me. Also, before the bell rung Mr.Rease told us to write a paragraph about would we tell our mom about our state in life as of right now or ask for advice. Since I tell my mama majority of things that I go through; I’ll just ask her a question for future reference. The question was Do I need to keep my tolerance of certain things or lower it? Her answer was you need to keep it where it’s at right now. Having a close bond to with a important female in your life is important whether you a boy or girl. Due to the fact it will be hard to find a person like that again.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Was that funny or inappropriate?

Being a entertainer is all fun and games until the joke goes beyond its actual reason. Today in class we discuss something like that but in other words. When the comedian jokes goes beyond the situation, and people take it too seriously. They make jokes to shed light on certain situations. Some makes jokes out of their life story or things that happen in their lives. Kevin Hart is a prime example of this situation, he couldn’t host the Oscars because he was making tweets about gay people and he called his son a faggot. All this happen a couple years back and Kevin Hart said he was not apologizing for it. Maybe somethings are meant to be apologizing for. Humorists which is another word for Comedian say things in a funny way to say things other people wouldn’t say.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Smooth Tuesday

I didn’t come to class because I prepping for the National Honor Society ceremony.

Monday, February 3, 2020