Friday, March 27, 2020

Boring Friday

I been in the house since we got out. I went to the stores but that do not count. School is close down until August. I did some of my work, I going to finish that up. I have now realize that I like school, or maybe I miss my classmates. Don’t have much to right about, but I had an pretty decent week so far

Friday, March 20, 2020

It Has Been A Week

Since school has let out due to corona virus, I actually miss school and that is odd. I have not started on my work yet, but I have been cleaning a lot lately. I’m going to start on it soon, just needed to clear my mind. I had a pretty decent week.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


School was wonderful today. Noise level was at a great level. Also in class my teacher show us his family tree it was very interesting. Then we shared funny moments had our laughs.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Day After ACT Testing

Today was pretty good. We watch short films I actually like them all my favorite one was Hair Love. Only because the father had struggle to do his daughter hair. He finally got it together when he follow the video his daughter had with her mom doing her hair. The sad part was when I found out her mom was in the hospital fighting cancer. I had once watched this short film before, but I never finish it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Stressful Can I Say

I took the ACT today. I wasn’t nervous at all, I manage to get done before the five minute mark. Had chance to go back and look over the ones I had slight trouble on. It was stressful for the most part of it, but I push through and finish.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Too Fast

Class was very short today. Otherwise Mr.Rease gave the class an assignment to do, gave all four groups topic. I do not remember the other groups topic, but my group’s topic was Culture Appropriation. We did a KWL Chart, Found 10 sources(2 each person), and created a question to discuss as a group. Surprisingly, Kim Kardashian was called disrespectful for naming her clothing line after a Japanese Culture clothing style. On my second source was called Food Fight at Oblerin College. It wasn’t not actual food fight , it was the cafeteria trying to make other culture foods. But making them the right way is what cause the food fight. In my opinion the food fight is actually disrespectful, because if you not going to make the food close to it then leave it alone. Kim Kardashian was just showing appreciation to the Japanese Culture. I’m pretty sure both Kim and the cafeteria didn’t mean no harm at all.

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Little Too Relaxing

Today was just odd to me. I had fun in every class literally every class. Usually my second block class makes me moody, but today is was actually funny. In fourth block we played a Kahoot on Coronavirus. I was doing good at first, but I started slipping. Then Mr.Rease read us questions from a book of questions. The questions was pretty fun and quite interesting. It was a quite interesting day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Didn’t Know Any Of That

Somethings are meant to shown everywhere just to know about. Mr.Rease put us in a group of four and gave out some names or events, which were Corona Virus, Nathaniel Woods, Tom Brady’s Decision, and the Democratic Party. I did not know nothing about Nathaniel Woods and Tom Brady’s Decision. Not thinking Nathaniel Woods was accused of killing three policemen and suppose to get the Lethal Injection today at 6pm. I did not know that Tom Brady’s Decision was to become a decision. See I learned a lot today and I am glad that I did.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

It Was Not That Hard

I did an Annotative Bibliograpghy for the first time. I found it very easy I thought it was difficult. The only thing is making everything shorter. To me its like a summary split into three pieces. As soon I get more understanding on Evaluation part I would be good. Being an over thinker is hard sometimes, because when you right at the point and got it but you like “Nahh something is not right”. The whole time you had it, but you over thought it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It Seem To Go By So Fast

Time have been going by fast. The school year almost over. In class we met Batman and Robin, Also known as Claims and Evidence. On yesterday Mr.Rease gave us a prompt and we a slight discussion on it. Then today we made 5 claims. As a class we came to a vote on a claim four students and me. We ended up making a paragraph with it and found evidence on the sources we discuss on yesterday. I felt like when I was expounding on my evidence that I found, it kinda felt I was overthinking it by putting it the words into my meaning instead of the actual meaning. I read it to Mr.Rease he said it was good. So I felt relieve. Then we had to make another paragraph using our own claim. I give it my best everytime. As long I keep a positive mindset, I can put my mind to any and everything.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Its Winding Down

My 11th grade year is almost over and I just cannot believe I’m going to be a senior. This is a bittersweet moment. Beside that we had discussion about Ap testing and Act Testing. Also we discuss topic and then thought it was decent discussion. I feel like I’m in real life situation when I’m in class. Just some extra information to add on.