Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Writing

Taking what I have learn these past two weeks and creating three body paragraphs was not hard. Creating claims would be my problem. Maybe it when I don’t come up with five and I just come up with three, and I don’t really have no other claims I can rely on besides the three I made. All I can continue to do is practice and become better.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Valid vs Invalid

Deductive vs Inductive had to be the most confusing lesson I ever had so far in Mr.Rease. It was fun, but I was over thinking it a little too hard. We did a worksheet on it, As I sat there continued to overthink it I was getting it. Worksheets for confusing lessons need to keep in coming, that’s the only way I don’t go home confused.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Reason vs. Reasoning

Do you think it’s a difference between reason and reasoning? Well there is a difference. Reason is

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


I do not have a final purpose as of right now, but I do have to strive for my first purpose I have. My first purpose is to become a successful person so I can take care of my parents how they take care of me now. I feel as in I owe them in return of my success, because if it was not for them I wouldn’t be in this position right now. I appreciate all that, and I hope to make them proud. So therefore I keep putting in the effort and strive for the best, I will be the successful woman I should.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Have you really found your true self? Have you ever hid who you really were at one point of time, because you felt like an outcast. Then when you do finally come out the shell that you been in you look at stuff different. Today in class we discuss sense of self. I offer enjoyed topics like this, because it put you in a real world position. I will like to talk about stuff that put me in real world problems. If you put yourself in those types of situations you can picture it in a way. Also we watch an animation of Kobe Bryant’s poem that he wrote, it was very inspiring. Showing that it takes effort and determination to achieve your dream. Always remember effort is everything.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

It’s Not The Passage, It’s The Questions!

Today, Mr.Rease gave us a pop quiz not really, but we didn’t know about it. The passage was quite understandable, but them question was not. Especially when the I am time, I be too worried and not be focus on the work. It gets me test anxiety, but I hope to get over it sooner. Mr.Rease puts us in groups so we can do the quiz together. My group, we had discuss why it so can have a better understanding why we choose that answer. Other than that class went smooth.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Scoring Papers

We talked about Ap Language writing essays for the Ap test. Mr.Rease gave us copies of of an example of some essays. We scored them base on the rubric we had, basically seeing did they meet the expectations. They seem kind of easy to do, but my main thing when I write I write what I think not paying attention to what I’m really writing. It seem good but I would not really know until it’s graded.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Observation and Experience

Just because you experienced something does not mean you observe it. That can trip you up a lot. Trying to figure about the relationship between certainty and doubt is not easy as it look. You can’t really figure the relationship between observation and experience. They both are like a ball spinning in a circular motion. They have to have each other just like Martin had Gina. Negative can drive you to positive. Just like doubt should drive your certainty.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

No Diggity No Doubt

The videos we watch today about certainty and doubt were very inspirational. The rock which is Dewayne Johnson. His speech gave me motivation to keep striving and remember the hard times. It can lead to doubt, but at the same time it leads to certainty. I enjoyed his speech a lot. Jim Carey did not stress that he didn’t have nothing, but he believed he was going to get it. They had so much certainty on their success. It was very little doubt in the way. Those two videos had my attention and had me thinking. It let me know I am certain to get my degree in Radiology, and get the Car and house I want in the future. The only way I can get that is effort and have certainty(faith) about it.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Are You Certain or Do You Have Doubt ?

Are you certain that you are this , or maybe will be become that? Do you doubt this or that? Today in class we focus on certainty and doubt. You can be certain about something , but will you have faith. You can’t one without the other. Maybe you doubt you will never get this particular thing. Meaning you have no faith in yourself. Sometimes when you have faith it can be a positive outcome. When you doubt something you losing to faith each day . I always say focus on the positive and forget the negative.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Four Corners

Class was full of enjoyment today, because we played Four Corners. So basically Mr.Rease said statements or questions. The one that really caught my attention was “Beauty runs skin deep”. I over thought it to much, to the point I thought the mean it meant it goes beyond the looks. Another one was “ Should teenager younger than 18 be able to have Tattoos Or Piercings”. I disagree with that because parents should be responsible for their actions. When your parents no there for your responsibilities you make dumb decisions. Then it come back to haunt you when you look for your future career. Maybe when you get older you look at it and not even it want it no more. I want to do more of Four Corners, because I get to see the different point of views.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Relaxing Friday

Class was relaxing to me. When I mentioned class was relaxing it was not loud, it never be loud, but it was soothing in every possible way. Mr.Rease handed us Thank You For Arguring Book. We got into more depth of Logical Fallacies. As this week went by fast, I learning more and more about Logical Fallacies each day. It was not easy at first. Until we did skits on yesterday, I love all the skits.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Excellent Thursday

Class was very interesting like really interesting. Today Mr. Rease decided to let my class do skits on Logical Fallacies, because the class did not quite understand the lesson on yesterday. My group skit was great in my eyes. We had Straw Man in which the arguer sets up a wimpy version of an opponent position. So Lakeryah and I acted like we were old folks and Cassidy and Keana were the young people. Lakeryah and I made it seem like young folks always on social media. The other groups were pretty decent. The group I liked the most Jermaine’s group. His group made a skit using Slippery Slope which is when the arguer claims that a sort of chain reaction, usually ending on some dire consequence, will take place, but there’s really not enough evidence for assumption. They skit was about the mother finding out the daughter is pregnant. The mother making assuming the daughter is going to do bad in life because she is pregnant. I want to do more skits in class. It helps me understand the concept better. Class was excellent today, and I am gladly it went that way.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


In class we talked about Logical Fallacies. It was an interesting lesson, but it wasn’t easy though. It is kinda hard to find out which fallacy you use, because they mostly all seem like the same thing.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Productive Monday

Today was interesting for me, like really interesting. You learned new things each and everyday. In class we watch a short video called “The Secret To Student Success”. The motivational speaker named was Arel Moodie. I learned today that “Effort Is Everything”, I felt like I needed to hear that to keep me pushing harder. No matter how hard life get keep pushing. You will have to keep pushing and face the obstacles to get over your problems. Also, I learned “ Talent isn’t everything”. It does not matter how much talent you have if you do not do nothing with it, basically you just gone be a waste of talent. You should put effort in every little thing you do. I was glad that I learned about this today, and going to strive to continue to put effort in everything I do.