Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Same old Same old. Nothing really never change, because I’m always in the house. I actually love it . Did my work turn it in for the day. Watch a documentary it was very interesting.

Monday, May 4, 2020


Mondays are always smooth for me. The assignments was smooth and the day was even smoother. I’m patiently waiting on exam day, because I ready to do great on it.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Today Is A New Day

Today is a fresh start of a new month. Today was better than yesterday and I’m glad it was . Tomorrow is going to be even better. I did all my assignments that were due today. Ap exam day is getting closer and closer. End of the year school date change to 15 of May, which is 5 days earlier than what we were supposedly get out on. I am close to being well prepared for my English Ap exam.

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Today started off good in between got irritated, but ended well. The video was interesting just remind me of the types of irony. Other classes went smooth. End of the week came pretty fast.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Slow Wednesday

Today was actually better than yesterday. Kinda went to sleep on a bad note, but I’m happy that today went better.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Decent Tuesday

Today was decent it could have been better. I have 3 weeks left for exam day. I’m ready for it, I feel prepared enough for it. Those 3 weeks gone fly by and then May 20 going to be here in no time.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Good Monday

I past my test and I scored high very proud of myself. I misread one question and I miss that one. I going continue to do better and pass the quarter. Then I really be a senior. The assignment today was just a little confused, but I did it.

Friday, April 24, 2020


It doesn’t feel like a Friday to me. I completed all my assignments. My grades are decent at the moment until I take this test for Mr.Rease. I already know I’m gone pass my test though. These weeks are flying like before I know it I am really taking the Ap exam. I’m gone do well on it.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Today was decent. Not very descriptive but hey that is all I can describe it. I feel like I’m prepared enough for my test tomorrow. I am going to do good on it. I completed all my assignments for today and on tomorrow I will be done for the week.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Today was actually smooth with online school. Completed all my assignments that were due today. I was little confused on my assignment, but I ended up understand it as the video continued. The week has been good so far. I’m just hoping I be prepared enough for this test Friday.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Its Better

The assignments were understandable. I know how to do a conclusion for a rhetorical essay. The video help a lot. Almost a couple steps closer to having a good rhetorical essay. I felt good about my work I was happy and everything.

Monday, April 20, 2020


I had an decent day overall. I did my assignments and everything. I did my thesis, but some how I couldn’t revise it. So I just turn it in like. I enjoyed the video. The lady tips were very helpful. She even give a review of the lesson from last week. Just Incase somebody miss it. The video just help me refresh my memory on creating a thesis for a rhetorical essay. Almost there then I will be to construct a good essay.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Smooth Friday

 Today was smooth, I turned in all my work on time. I’m getting the rhetorical situation a little bit. I also love the endorsement speech Barack Obama gave for Joe Biden. It was very good and simple, and he also said something about Bernie Sanders. Honestly I liked I found it interesting.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Well I Guess

I’m starting to get it a little bit. I just got to try harder on every assign time get it. I wrote notes down and I read the instructions on the worksheet he gave us. Then Mr. Rease gave us a questions on Audience and Purpose. I felt like the questions were opinion based due to fact I didn’t really know how to answer. So I answer the question with my opinion. I am gone to stay hopeful that I get this rhetorical situation lesson.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Nevermind I Thought To Fast

I thought I started to liked virtue school, as of right I don’t like it. Due to the fact I’m a visual learner. I prefer to in a classroom setting in front of a teacher. I watch the video Mr.Rease assigned us. I kind of understood her, but when it was time for me to do my introduction alone I could not do it. When I was reading the passage I couldn’t really spot out the rhetorical device or situation. I’m gone have it down pack before I take my Ap exam.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I Like It Just A Little Bit

Second day of virtue school is getting better. I am able do well on my assignments. Just have to real the questions and don’t second guess myself.

Monday, April 13, 2020

First Day Back

So far I kinda like online school. I’m not a big fan of it though. I rather be in a classroom to do my work. The video was interesting to me and the quiz was interesting I like it. I really miss school though. Here are my notes I took from the video.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Boring Friday

I been in the house since we got out. I went to the stores but that do not count. School is close down until August. I did some of my work, I going to finish that up. I have now realize that I like school, or maybe I miss my classmates. Don’t have much to right about, but I had an pretty decent week so far

Friday, March 20, 2020

It Has Been A Week

Since school has let out due to corona virus, I actually miss school and that is odd. I have not started on my work yet, but I have been cleaning a lot lately. I’m going to start on it soon, just needed to clear my mind. I had a pretty decent week.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


School was wonderful today. Noise level was at a great level. Also in class my teacher show us his family tree it was very interesting. Then we shared funny moments had our laughs.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Day After ACT Testing

Today was pretty good. We watch short films I actually like them all my favorite one was Hair Love. Only because the father had struggle to do his daughter hair. He finally got it together when he follow the video his daughter had with her mom doing her hair. The sad part was when I found out her mom was in the hospital fighting cancer. I had once watched this short film before, but I never finish it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Stressful Can I Say

I took the ACT today. I wasn’t nervous at all, I manage to get done before the five minute mark. Had chance to go back and look over the ones I had slight trouble on. It was stressful for the most part of it, but I push through and finish.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Too Fast

Class was very short today. Otherwise Mr.Rease gave the class an assignment to do, gave all four groups topic. I do not remember the other groups topic, but my group’s topic was Culture Appropriation. We did a KWL Chart, Found 10 sources(2 each person), and created a question to discuss as a group. Surprisingly, Kim Kardashian was called disrespectful for naming her clothing line after a Japanese Culture clothing style. On my second source was called Food Fight at Oblerin College. It wasn’t not actual food fight , it was the cafeteria trying to make other culture foods. But making them the right way is what cause the food fight. In my opinion the food fight is actually disrespectful, because if you not going to make the food close to it then leave it alone. Kim Kardashian was just showing appreciation to the Japanese Culture. I’m pretty sure both Kim and the cafeteria didn’t mean no harm at all.

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Little Too Relaxing

Today was just odd to me. I had fun in every class literally every class. Usually my second block class makes me moody, but today is was actually funny. In fourth block we played a Kahoot on Coronavirus. I was doing good at first, but I started slipping. Then Mr.Rease read us questions from a book of questions. The questions was pretty fun and quite interesting. It was a quite interesting day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Didn’t Know Any Of That

Somethings are meant to shown everywhere just to know about. Mr.Rease put us in a group of four and gave out some names or events, which were Corona Virus, Nathaniel Woods, Tom Brady’s Decision, and the Democratic Party. I did not know nothing about Nathaniel Woods and Tom Brady’s Decision. Not thinking Nathaniel Woods was accused of killing three policemen and suppose to get the Lethal Injection today at 6pm. I did not know that Tom Brady’s Decision was to become a decision. See I learned a lot today and I am glad that I did.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

It Was Not That Hard

I did an Annotative Bibliograpghy for the first time. I found it very easy I thought it was difficult. The only thing is making everything shorter. To me its like a summary split into three pieces. As soon I get more understanding on Evaluation part I would be good. Being an over thinker is hard sometimes, because when you right at the point and got it but you like “Nahh something is not right”. The whole time you had it, but you over thought it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It Seem To Go By So Fast

Time have been going by fast. The school year almost over. In class we met Batman and Robin, Also known as Claims and Evidence. On yesterday Mr.Rease gave us a prompt and we a slight discussion on it. Then today we made 5 claims. As a class we came to a vote on a claim four students and me. We ended up making a paragraph with it and found evidence on the sources we discuss on yesterday. I felt like when I was expounding on my evidence that I found, it kinda felt I was overthinking it by putting it the words into my meaning instead of the actual meaning. I read it to Mr.Rease he said it was good. So I felt relieve. Then we had to make another paragraph using our own claim. I give it my best everytime. As long I keep a positive mindset, I can put my mind to any and everything.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Its Winding Down

My 11th grade year is almost over and I just cannot believe I’m going to be a senior. This is a bittersweet moment. Beside that we had discussion about Ap testing and Act Testing. Also we discuss topic and then thought it was decent discussion. I feel like I’m in real life situation when I’m in class. Just some extra information to add on.

Friday, February 21, 2020

It’s Gone Get Better

We had a multiple choice quiz today and I bomb it. Like I did so terrible it blew me. I was disappointed like very disappointed in myself.  I understood the passage, the questions got me again I might eliminate the right ones, but the ones left I second guessed myself like always. That is already my weakest subject. I put my all in everything I do. I’m not gone give it up, I’m going to continue to push forward to get and do better.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Decent Thursday

The last presenters presented today. Cassidy’s presentation was the one I liked out of the last presenters. I overall liked all presentations. Don’t really have a favorite because everyone did good. It was a very interesting project. Learning new things is always good for me. It was a lot of Africa and Asia countries. Basically it was a lot of countries in those countries, plus Africa had the most presenters. I learned something new from each  presenter. Also, the slides I found most interesting were the Customs and Etiquettes.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Every time I present in front of a group of people I tend to get nervous and speak fast. Also it is hard for me to make eye contact I do not know why. I just think when I make eye contact that makes me nervous and it’s probably gone make me hesitate over my words. I still got an A but it’s not the A that I wanted because some of the things I got points took off of everybody else did it. I’m grateful for receiving the A. Hopefully in the future I’ll get better when it come to presenting. I’ll just do better again.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Different Countries, Different Things

Class was quite interesting I can say that. A couple of classmates presented today. They all did a wonderful job. My favorite presentation were Hong Kong and Japan. Well they caught my interest. Hong Kong has beautiful flowers. Japan eat KFC on Christmas. Most people eat like home cook meals for Christmas. That was very interesting to me. I thought I was going to present today, but I guess other plans were made.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Its Just Monday

I miss majority of class today due to having to go to ACT class. The class was good, the students was a little talkative but we got through it. Also, I ended up going to class a couple minutes before the bell ring. Mr.Rease told us when we present and I present tomorrow. He showed us what we made on our writing. I did ok, but I wish I did better.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Finish On Time

I actually had good timing but n writing an essay before the time was up. Mr.Rease gave us 55 minutes we started at 1. The essay wasn’t hard, but the the claims catch me every time. The essay was to create a 5 paragraph essay band describe the relationship between individuality and nationality. Creating claims wasn’t that hard but I had trouble with it. I’m hoping the I did well on it.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Just Astonishing

I wasn’t in class today, due my third block teacher wanting me and a couple others to go hear some people and two veterans talk. I just could not believe I saw and heard 101 year old veteran man speak. That is a blessing to live that long. His named is Taylor Howard and he was born in 1918. He fought in World War II. After he retire from the military he started businesses in segregated state. He was a black man owning his own businesses. He left out all the negatives to focus on the positive to get where he needed to be. And that is what I admired about him today.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Learn Something New Everyday

I learn something new in class everyday literally. Whether its about a person, lesson, or maybe life itself. Learning something new helps me think. So today Mr.Rease divided us by continents because we are doing projects on different countries’ culture. We had to research customs on our country. I have Columbia, which is in South America if you didn’t know that. One of the customs I found strange, but interesting was Women grasp forearm when greeting people. Since we were separated by continent, It was only two of us in South America. My partner had Brazil. I notice we had a comparison with our two countries was that Men have to make direct eye contact and shake hands. Just like in America men do the same thing. It’s a sign of respect. The difference between her country and my country. The women in Brazil greet each other by kissing each other two times on the cheek. In Columbia the women have to grasp the forearm when they greet them. Unless they developed a friendship then they kiss each other on the cheek. The other countries had very interesting customs.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pretty Decent Tuesday

I love when we have discussions in class. It put me in a real life scenario and I love it. We are discussing Multiculturalism. When we talk about cultures within the society. It was so much we talk about I can’t remember it all. I do remember the video of of countries talking about us Americans. I was like gosh lee are we that bad. The only thing I found might be true would be we are loud. Maybe it’s cause we have a little more freedom of what we do in our country than they do. We might not found ourselves loud, but other countries do. Maybe I’ll like to continue discussions on what other countries think of different things we do.

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Wording

Today I took a quiz again. This time he gave us 5 minutes to read, and 20 minutes to answer the questions. This passage wording was a little above me, but the passage was good. The questions still gave me a little trouble. I gave it my best and put my all in. I do the elimination method, then I’m left with two answers. Thats where the next problem fall they both seem correct. I just gone have faith that I will go higher in my progress.

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Questions Are What Get Me

I took a quiz today in class, Mr.Rease timed the class 20 minutes. The passage was understandable always was. The questions are what get me every time, the elimination work but you left with two possible answers. Also, when I know I am getting time either I’m to focus on the time I can’t really focus on the questions or it might just be the wording. I will eventually get better and I am certain that I will get better.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

“They Say You Took My Motherhood,Momma”

Do you think A man must have a nurturing relationship with their mother? That was the prompt today in class. We read two poem called “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes and “Son To Mother” by Maya Angelou. Those poems were great to me even though they were talking about sons. Even if you  exchange Son to Daughter it will still be good to me. Also, before the bell rung Mr.Rease told us to write a paragraph about would we tell our mom about our state in life as of right now or ask for advice. Since I tell my mama majority of things that I go through; I’ll just ask her a question for future reference. The question was Do I need to keep my tolerance of certain things or lower it? Her answer was you need to keep it where it’s at right now. Having a close bond to with a important female in your life is important whether you a boy or girl. Due to the fact it will be hard to find a person like that again.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Was that funny or inappropriate?

Being a entertainer is all fun and games until the joke goes beyond its actual reason. Today in class we discuss something like that but in other words. When the comedian jokes goes beyond the situation, and people take it too seriously. They make jokes to shed light on certain situations. Some makes jokes out of their life story or things that happen in their lives. Kevin Hart is a prime example of this situation, he couldn’t host the Oscars because he was making tweets about gay people and he called his son a faggot. All this happen a couple years back and Kevin Hart said he was not apologizing for it. Maybe somethings are meant to be apologizing for. Humorists which is another word for Comedian say things in a funny way to say things other people wouldn’t say.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Smooth Tuesday

I didn’t come to class because I prepping for the National Honor Society ceremony.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Writing

Taking what I have learn these past two weeks and creating three body paragraphs was not hard. Creating claims would be my problem. Maybe it when I don’t come up with five and I just come up with three, and I don’t really have no other claims I can rely on besides the three I made. All I can continue to do is practice and become better.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Valid vs Invalid

Deductive vs Inductive had to be the most confusing lesson I ever had so far in Mr.Rease. It was fun, but I was over thinking it a little too hard. We did a worksheet on it, As I sat there continued to overthink it I was getting it. Worksheets for confusing lessons need to keep in coming, that’s the only way I don’t go home confused.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Reason vs. Reasoning

Do you think it’s a difference between reason and reasoning? Well there is a difference. Reason is

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


I do not have a final purpose as of right now, but I do have to strive for my first purpose I have. My first purpose is to become a successful person so I can take care of my parents how they take care of me now. I feel as in I owe them in return of my success, because if it was not for them I wouldn’t be in this position right now. I appreciate all that, and I hope to make them proud. So therefore I keep putting in the effort and strive for the best, I will be the successful woman I should.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Have you really found your true self? Have you ever hid who you really were at one point of time, because you felt like an outcast. Then when you do finally come out the shell that you been in you look at stuff different. Today in class we discuss sense of self. I offer enjoyed topics like this, because it put you in a real world position. I will like to talk about stuff that put me in real world problems. If you put yourself in those types of situations you can picture it in a way. Also we watch an animation of Kobe Bryant’s poem that he wrote, it was very inspiring. Showing that it takes effort and determination to achieve your dream. Always remember effort is everything.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

It’s Not The Passage, It’s The Questions!

Today, Mr.Rease gave us a pop quiz not really, but we didn’t know about it. The passage was quite understandable, but them question was not. Especially when the I am time, I be too worried and not be focus on the work. It gets me test anxiety, but I hope to get over it sooner. Mr.Rease puts us in groups so we can do the quiz together. My group, we had discuss why it so can have a better understanding why we choose that answer. Other than that class went smooth.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Scoring Papers

We talked about Ap Language writing essays for the Ap test. Mr.Rease gave us copies of of an example of some essays. We scored them base on the rubric we had, basically seeing did they meet the expectations. They seem kind of easy to do, but my main thing when I write I write what I think not paying attention to what I’m really writing. It seem good but I would not really know until it’s graded.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Observation and Experience

Just because you experienced something does not mean you observe it. That can trip you up a lot. Trying to figure about the relationship between certainty and doubt is not easy as it look. You can’t really figure the relationship between observation and experience. They both are like a ball spinning in a circular motion. They have to have each other just like Martin had Gina. Negative can drive you to positive. Just like doubt should drive your certainty.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

No Diggity No Doubt

The videos we watch today about certainty and doubt were very inspirational. The rock which is Dewayne Johnson. His speech gave me motivation to keep striving and remember the hard times. It can lead to doubt, but at the same time it leads to certainty. I enjoyed his speech a lot. Jim Carey did not stress that he didn’t have nothing, but he believed he was going to get it. They had so much certainty on their success. It was very little doubt in the way. Those two videos had my attention and had me thinking. It let me know I am certain to get my degree in Radiology, and get the Car and house I want in the future. The only way I can get that is effort and have certainty(faith) about it.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Are You Certain or Do You Have Doubt ?

Are you certain that you are this , or maybe will be become that? Do you doubt this or that? Today in class we focus on certainty and doubt. You can be certain about something , but will you have faith. You can’t one without the other. Maybe you doubt you will never get this particular thing. Meaning you have no faith in yourself. Sometimes when you have faith it can be a positive outcome. When you doubt something you losing to faith each day . I always say focus on the positive and forget the negative.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Four Corners

Class was full of enjoyment today, because we played Four Corners. So basically Mr.Rease said statements or questions. The one that really caught my attention was “Beauty runs skin deep”. I over thought it to much, to the point I thought the mean it meant it goes beyond the looks. Another one was “ Should teenager younger than 18 be able to have Tattoos Or Piercings”. I disagree with that because parents should be responsible for their actions. When your parents no there for your responsibilities you make dumb decisions. Then it come back to haunt you when you look for your future career. Maybe when you get older you look at it and not even it want it no more. I want to do more of Four Corners, because I get to see the different point of views.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Relaxing Friday

Class was relaxing to me. When I mentioned class was relaxing it was not loud, it never be loud, but it was soothing in every possible way. Mr.Rease handed us Thank You For Arguring Book. We got into more depth of Logical Fallacies. As this week went by fast, I learning more and more about Logical Fallacies each day. It was not easy at first. Until we did skits on yesterday, I love all the skits.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Excellent Thursday

Class was very interesting like really interesting. Today Mr. Rease decided to let my class do skits on Logical Fallacies, because the class did not quite understand the lesson on yesterday. My group skit was great in my eyes. We had Straw Man in which the arguer sets up a wimpy version of an opponent position. So Lakeryah and I acted like we were old folks and Cassidy and Keana were the young people. Lakeryah and I made it seem like young folks always on social media. The other groups were pretty decent. The group I liked the most Jermaine’s group. His group made a skit using Slippery Slope which is when the arguer claims that a sort of chain reaction, usually ending on some dire consequence, will take place, but there’s really not enough evidence for assumption. They skit was about the mother finding out the daughter is pregnant. The mother making assuming the daughter is going to do bad in life because she is pregnant. I want to do more skits in class. It helps me understand the concept better. Class was excellent today, and I am gladly it went that way.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


In class we talked about Logical Fallacies. It was an interesting lesson, but it wasn’t easy though. It is kinda hard to find out which fallacy you use, because they mostly all seem like the same thing.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Productive Monday

Today was interesting for me, like really interesting. You learned new things each and everyday. In class we watch a short video called “The Secret To Student Success”. The motivational speaker named was Arel Moodie. I learned today that “Effort Is Everything”, I felt like I needed to hear that to keep me pushing harder. No matter how hard life get keep pushing. You will have to keep pushing and face the obstacles to get over your problems. Also, I learned “ Talent isn’t everything”. It does not matter how much talent you have if you do not do nothing with it, basically you just gone be a waste of talent. You should put effort in every little thing you do. I was glad that I learned about this today, and going to strive to continue to put effort in everything I do.